Change of web host: why and how to migrate to another web host

It's sometimes necessary to change your web hosting provider for a variety of reasons. In this article, we'll explain why it might be a good idea to change web hosts, and how to migrate your site to a new web host. We'll also cover the important aspects of web hosting and domain names, as well as frequently asked questions about website migration.

Why change your web host?

There are many reasons for changing web host, including :

  1. Price: You may be able to find a hosting provider offering lower rates or interesting promotional offers.
  2. Associated services: Another hosting provider may offer additional or better services, such as technical support, automatic backups or e-mail management.
  3. Security: If you're not satisfied with the security measures put in place by your current host, it may be a good idea to migrate to a host offering better protection.
  4. Performance: More powerful web hosting can improve your site's loading speed and stability.
  5. End of contract: If your contract with your current host is coming to an end, and you'd like to explore other options, changing host may be a good decision.

How do I transfer a website to another host? 

There are two main ways of transferring a website to a new host: entrust the migration to your new host, or carry it out manually.

Entrust the migration of your website to your new host

If you prefer not to handle the migration of your website yourself, you can entrust this task to your new web host. Here's how to ask your new web host to help you migrate your site:

  1. Select a new web host to suit your needs and budget.
  2. Contact your new web host's technical support department and ask them to manage your website's migration.
  3. Provide the required information, such as the login details for your current web host and the domain name associated with your site.
  4. Please wait while your new web host migrates your website. The duration of this operation may vary according to the complexity of your site and the workload of technical support.
  5. Once the transfer is complete, check that your website is running correctly on the new hosting and that no problems have arisen during the process.

By entrusting data transfer to your new hosting provider, you can be sure that experienced professionals will manage the process, which can minimize the risk of errors and avoid potential technical problems.

Migrate your website to a new hosting manually

To manually migrate your website to a new hosting, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a new web host that suits your needs and budget.
  2. Make a full backup of your website, including all files and databases, on your local computer.
  3. Create a hosting account with your new host and configure the required settings, such as domain name and IP addresses.
  4. Transfer your website's backup files and databases to the new hosting.
  5. Adjust your site settings, such as database connections and file paths, to suit your new hosting.
  6. Test your site to make sure it works properly on the new hosting, and resolve any problems you encounter during the process.
  7. Update your domain name information so that it points to your new web host.

Web hosting and domain names: what do you need to know? 

When migrating your website to a new host, it's essential to take into account web hosting and domain name issues:

  1. Transferring your domain name: It's generally advisable to transfer your domain name to the new host to simplify management and avoid any complications.
  2. DNS propagation times: When you update your domain name information to point to your new host, you need to take into account DNS propagation times, which can take up to 48 hours.
  3. Backing up your site: Before migrating, make sure you have a complete backup of your website, including files and databases, to avoid any loss of data.

Frequently asked questions about website migration 

When you're considering migrating your website to a new hosting solution, it's normal to have questions about the process. In this section, we answer the most frequently asked questions about website migration, including how long it will take, the associated costs and other important aspects to consider to ensure a smooth and successful transfer of your website.

How long does it take to migrate to another web hosting service?

How long it takes to migrate a website to another hosting depends on a number of factors, including :

  • The size of your website: A larger web portal, with a large number of files and a large database, will take longer to migrate than smaller websites.
  • The migration method you choose: If you opt for a manual migration, the time required will depend on your level of expertise and the complexity of your site. On the other hand, if you entrust the operation to your new hosting service provider or to a professional, the process could be faster.
  • DNS propagation times: When you change hosting provider, changes to your domain's DNS servers can take time to propagate throughout the network. This can take anywhere from a few hours to 48 hours or more, depending on the DNS service provider.

In general, data transfer can take from a few hours to several days, depending on these factors.

How much does it cost to migrate your website?

The cost of migrating your website to new hosting depends on several factors, including :

  • The migration method you choose: Some hosting providers offer free or discounted migration services for new customers. If you choose this option, you could save on migration costs. However, if you prefer to do it yourself, or hire a professional, you'll need to factor in the associated labor costs.
  • Additional services: If you require additional services, such as creating backups, optimizing performance or implementing additional security measures during migration, these services may entail additional costs.
  • Technical assistance : If you encounter problems during the transfer and need expert help, you may have to pay for technical assistance.

Overall, the cost of migrating your website can vary considerably depending on these factors. It's advisable to compare offers from different hosting providers, and to take your technical skills into account when choosing the most appropriate and cost-effective transfer method for your website.

Migrating your WordPress site to another web hosting service

Transferring a WordPress site to another host 

Here are the steps to follow to transfer a WordPress site to another host:

  • Back up your entire WordPress site, including files and database, on your local computer.
  • Install WordPress on your new hosting provider and configure the appropriate settings, such as the domain name.
  • Import the saved database into your new web hosting.
  • Upload the WordPress files saved on the new web hosting.
  • Modify the wp-config.php file to update the database connection information.

Migrating your local WordPress site to a web server 

Here are the steps to follow to migrate your local WordPress site to a web server:

  1. Back up your entire local WordPress site, including files and database, on your computer.
  2. Choose a web host according to your needs and budget.
  1. Create a hosting account with your new host and install WordPress on the server.
  2. Import the saved database into your new web hosting.
  3. Upload the WordPress files saved on the new web hosting.
  4. Modify the wp-config.php file to update the database connection information.
  5. Test your site to make sure it works properly on the new hosting, and resolve any problems you encounter.
  6. Update your domain name information to point to your new host.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully transfer your website to a new hosting provider and enjoy the benefits of new hosting, such as improved performance, better security and additional services. Don't forget to always back up your site before migrating, to avoid data loss and minimize the risks associated with the migration process.